
Located in Keego Harbor, MI
Located in Keego Harbor, MI
Call Us Today


We have access to software at great prices..  Way lower than Amazon!

Microsoft Office from $149  Includes installation!  This is a lifetime license, not a yearly subscription

Microsoft Windows 10 from $99 (if part of an upgrade from Windows 7 or 8)

Microsoft Windows 11 from $119 (if part of an upgrade from 7,8 or 10)

***please note, prices above are only valid with service, not sold "to go"***


Give us a call to discuss


Call Computer Works
at 248-738-8700!
"These people are lifesavers for your computer needs. They sincerely take an interest in your problem and have a wealth of experience to apply to its solution.

They work well as a team, frequently calling people out of the backroom that have a specific background to consult on an issue. Also a great place to purchase new and used workstations and laptops."

Buzz B., Yelp Review

Locally and Family
Owned and Operated Since 1999

Priority Service is Available

FREE Diagnostic Services
Are Available
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